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AtomikAir will lower your natural gas heating bulls by 20-40%
Able to bring dock door temperatures back to level within 30-40 seconds so your HVAC machines are not working overtime to keep it cool/hot.


What is the problem?

If we take an example of a warehouse that has a 30 foot ceiling, to maintain the heat in the warehouse the HVAC unit will be on frequently because the thermostat measures at floor level. Where is the heat going when coming out of the HVAC? Well hot air rises and with a large ceiling the hot air gets trapped into the ceiling, meaning it doesn’t reach the floor level for long, especially if dock doors are frequently open.


Warehouses have to tried to combat this with ceiling fans but they do not move enough air around.

What does the AtomikAir do to solve this?

AtomikAir pushes clean filtered air up. This process creates an air pattern that forces the warm air that is trapped in the ceiling down to the side. Thus, creating a cycle that uses all of your warm and cool air supply, averaging out the temperatures and achieving even temperatures across the whole facility.

AtomikAir moves 1 million cubic feet of air per hour. With its speed and upward trajectory, the AtomikAir master’s airflow rotation, ultimately eliminating stratification.
The AtomikAir enhances the existing HVAC system, with even temperatures from floor to ceiling, recovering heat 60% faster in the morning from the night chills, and in loading dock areas, where heat easily escapes.

To put it into another perspective, you could turn off half of your heating system throughout most of the season while keeping your building to temperature. Or setting a low temperature at night and having your facility back to operating temperature by the time of the morning shift start.

AtomikAir brings efficiency, while destratifying your facility and evening temperatures it relieves the strain on your HVAC, which in turn saves energy. With energy savings comes cost savings.

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