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Improve Building Health. 
Increase Profitability.

Reducing Equipment Maintenance Costs

Reducing Operating Costs

Reducing Fatigue, Increasing Cognitive Awareness

Reducing Fatigue, Increasing Cognitive Awareness

Reducing Employee Absenteeism and Turnover

Improving Product Quality

It is estimated that a substantial reduction of  dust in the air could lead to as much as a 30% decrease in Forklift operating costs while potentially doubling the life of a forklift. In fact, any mechanical or electrical device can be adversely affected by dust and companies have been fighting this problem for a long time.

Dust and small particulate in the air can cause failure to motors, photeyes, scanners, computer terminals, conveyor systems, lighting (particularly LED), autonomous warehouse systems and a long list of other equipment.

AtomikAir can significantly reduce the particulate in the air and help reduce the ever increasing maintenance costs businesses are experiencing.

In winter months heat gets trapped at the ceiling, especially where there are higher ceilings. Atomik air has the ability to de-stratify the air effectively and that can typically translate into a reduction of heating costs by 20-40%.

Is your company spending money on sanitation and floor cleaning?

Floor cleaners are expensive to run, they require operators, maintenance programs and replacement parts. If there is less dirt to clean up it only goes without saying that maintenance of the equipment can be significantly reduced

mold is an issue for some companies. A typical mold spore comes in around 4 microns AtomikAir breaths in particles at 0.3 Microns and traps them

It is no secret that poor indoor air quality has a direct impact in cognitive awareness. Harvard business review and Berkley labs have both studied this phenomenon. Increasing ventilation by replacing dirty air with clean air can increase cognitive awareness by over 40% and thereby reducing fatigue. The underlying cause of many accidents is from someone not paying attention or being tired.

Atomik Air takes particles from the air as small as 0.3 Microns making it easier for peoples lungs to breathe. Its kind of like continually getting a breath of fresh air

It is no secret that poor indoor air quality has a direct impact in cognitive awareness. Harvard business review and Berkley labs have both studied this phenomenon. Increasing ventilation by replacing dirty air with clean air can increase cognitive awareness by over 40% and thereby reducing fatigue. The underlying cause of many accidents is from someone not paying attention or being tired.

Atomik Air takes particles from the air as small as 0.3 Microns making it easier for peoples lungs to breathe. Its kind of like continually getting a breath of fresh air

58% of sicknesses are transmitted though airborne particulate known as aerosols in the air. A Whitehouse study has found that a reduction of 30% of lost time due to respiratory infections can be achieved by improving Indoor air Quality.

AtomikAir filters particulate as small as viruses, and bacteria.  You cant cure the common cold but you sure can stop it from spreading. What would it mean to your business if a reduction on 30% of absenteeism due to sickness was achievable.


Harvard business review studied what employees want at work. After Money 58% of respondants valued clean air as the #1 necessary item at work ranking it  above items such as clean water, good lighting and good food. Having employees feel safe and happy are major factors in employee retention. Having air purification is a commitment to employees that is recognized by employees as a benefit and builds a great foundation for worker management relations. As a potential employee would you rather work for a company that has a fresh air management system or one that doesn’t 

Has your company ever shipped out a dusty box or a part that has been sitting on a shelf long enough to get a coating of Dust. In some facilities it is accepted as general practice. Customers don’t like receiving substandard product and often can lead to returns or at least a bad feeling of getting something substandard. Some process work is also affected by poor Indoor Air Quality. Paint finishes, adhesives process debris and  food products can all be affected by microscopic particulate in the air

Atomik Air can improve shelf life and improved shelf life and product quality can significantly improve the profitability of your company.

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